Call now and discover how I can assist you change your life, taking a holistic approach to your health and wellness.
Specialising in personalised nutrition and coaching care for long-term weight management results. Achieve your health and wellness goals through expert nutrition counseling that is tailored specifically for you.

Hello and Welcome!

Hello! I’m Paul, a certified Health & Wellness Coach, and soon-to-be Nutritionist and Weight Management Practitioner.

I am a mindset coach that created Cloud9 Holistic Health after living and struggling for many years with obesity and other health-related issues like type-2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and low testosterone. 

My goal is to help people who are struggling with managing their weight be more aware of their unhealthy habits, whether it’s around diet, exercise, or lifestyle in general.

I’m here to help you get out of your own head and take action in your life and become the best version of yourself.






Results that last!

Tips & Tricks

Weekly private

Designed to keep you on track in order to reach your goals

Personalized meal

Created just for you. Meals you will enjoy and succeed with

Unlimited email

Email anytime for motivation and support

Dietary & body

Weekly weigh in's and guidance to support your progress.

What my clients are saying

Make every day count

Nutrition & Health Blog

Tips and tricks to motivate and give you the confidence to keep achieving.